Don't you hate it when your body is tired but your mind is up and at 'em? One second my brain is thinking about my pending yard sale, how to price items, what about the set up, blah, blah, blah.
Then it goes to a grocery list, or chores to be done. Then it touches on things that my gray matter doesn't like to think about...like how my husband and I don't treat each other kindly sometimes; or that my Mama is 92 and time is marching on for all of us. Drinking too much iced tea causes problems at bedtime. Finished James Patterson's newest book, "Swimsuit" just before midnight. Gory. Like his romantic novels better.
My kids are 35 and 33 and thoughts turn to them, and their lives. My daughter drives too fast, my son who is MR, is an easy target.
They're grown and on their own, but a mama worries...even at 12:30a.m. My mama still worries about her kids, and we're all pushing 60. Sheesh...such thoughts.
Is it the tea, or being menopausal, or is it a woman thing? I just want to cuss, y'know? But, what good will that do? Life is full of pain, and blessings. It's a combo that McDonald's doesn't offer. Life is up and down. Maturity is more than getting wrinkles and bucking up under pressure. Whining doesn't solve a thing, but helps in a weird way if you can catch a friendly ear. Coffee, good books, good friends, a loving family, and a finding purpose makes life worth living. But...without a few of those things in your life, things go off kilter. Many would say that God is the answer to all things. Some don't go that route. Right now, all I want is the shortcut to the land of Nod...y'know where the sandman lives.
Maybe I'll go run the sweeper, or do laundry. That'll show 'em...all those no good sleepers in this household.
Phooey, I'm still here, and wide awake....anybody up?
I'm still up... It's 2:19 a.m. as I start to write this... My, your mind and mine run in some very similar pathways except I KNOW it's not menopause for me... Praise God, I finished that several years ago.
I just happen to be a night owl, much to the disgust of my poor hubby who has to be an early bird because he still has to work. Like I tell him, the early bird might get the worm, but the late worm doesn't get eaten!
IF I really want to sleep, I start reading the Bible (which I love, by the way, but it does tend to put me to sleep at night...) Listening to it on tape (or I guess that should be "disc" now) is also a good sleeping pill. Alwsys seems to quiet my heart and mind.
As I type this, I hope that you are getting the sleep you crave! (I'm on Pacific time, by the way.)
Hi my friend...There is nothing we can do about lifes events...but we can enjoy every minute we have with all those we love and care for... every once in a while I have those kind of nights too... I hate them. Have a great day and I hope you sleep better tonight... try Tylenol PM. It works
I slept like a stone last night - exhausted from trying to sell Mr. Wonderful's horse. Had a few folks out yesterday, and an older couple today who may come back this evening to see Wilbur being ridden. Am taking Sissy to the groomers later this morning...wonder if a waist will be revealed, or if Sissy will continue on her 'diet'??? Guess I will sleep well tonight too - activities like these help tucker me out!
The only good thing about sleepless nights is....hmmm, there has to be something! I'll get back to you on that!!!
I have the same troubles at times. I have recently discovered from an email alert about Singular that it can insomnia and a bunch of other problems which I had! So, I quit taking it. I'm still having a hard time getting to sleep but it's not from thinking of things I need to do. I guess it takes a while to get it out of your system. The first couple of nights was just awful.
So, I would suggest googling all of your medicines, if you take any, to see if they could be the problem.
I hope you get some better sleep tonight!
Ah...she arrives...seeks "shelter" shall we say...Lady Jane is here...with the sassy ants in her pants! Perfect she says...a Safe haven....as she too was up all night...in her mind...thinking about the dumbest things!
Yahoo.....she can spread a little sassy cheer here...and perhaps borrow the lady with a cleaver button.....SHAME LADY JANE!
Oh my dear Sista Susan....if I was not up all night for nights I would have remembered to tell you...after a certain conversation with a certain Blog sista...there was talk of finding a convent to accept 50 somethings,,,,NOw since we all are 50 and really SOMETHING...I'm currently looking for a convent to accept us! Now I'm not sure that you are "IN" on this one...but perhaps we shall say better late than never....
Anyway...you might just want to consider this "sista-hood"!
Now as to not offend anyone by my comments everyone should know that there are a few inside giggles going on here.....
Well anyway...in a sweet closing to you all.....especially Susan...
Now I lay me down to "think",
I ask you Lord let me sleep a wink,
For I have so much to do...
Coz I'm a Mom & Grammy too.....
Please dear Lord I pray....
Let this menopause be over today!
Bless the "man" in my life...
Let me be a better wife...as you see above ..I've reached for a knife!
I will close with bless my bloggie friends...they are so very DEAR..And when they send me hugs I start to tear....
But they are my little angels...bless there wings...and the huggin ain't over till this fat lady(me..ladyjane) Sings!
Oh...and IF I'd be able to carry a tune in a BUCKET...my luck...there would be a hole in the bucket! So it ain't over...LADY JANE never sings...
I'm up all night, every night! Curses, Foul Google Reader, for not posting this update while I was up and restless all last night!!!
I don't even try to sleep at night anymore. Too many worries. Like you, I worry about my son. Worry about finances. About those in sickness. Worry about the animals. On and on and it is harder to take in the dark than in the light of day!
No real answers here, just a hope that yr brain will settle down and at least tonight you will get a restful and restoring sleep!
Ugh, I was having problems falling asleep a couple of weeks ago, but I am doing much better now. Good post.
Have you tried Melatonin? 1 - 3 mg about 1 hr before you want to fall asleep. I'm having Keith try it for his sleep issues. He said it's helpful. Don't worry about lil' ol' me....I'll be a good girl, I promise!
All I can say is I love your honesty. You're a real woman with real issues - just like we all do -just different ones.
Does it help to just 'blog' your feelings?
At times I stay up late because I can't sleep - other times I can't stay awake.
I'm looking for a social convent too.
I'm usually up every night till 2-3. Momma always said the older you get the less you sleep because you realize you have less time to do what you want and don't want to waste a minute of it...I have to say that is one thing Momma said that I don't believe, I'd gladly miss a few hrs of it to get a little sleep...lol..
I was up at 2am - next time I'll check in!
Last night I don't think I even slept - I tossed and turned all night.
Shhhhhhhhh....I think she has finally fallen asleep in here....
Well, its a day later, but I'm up. Heck, you know most of my blog posts are done in the wee hours of the morning, so I'm right there with you baby. Yawn.
Whew! Where is Susan? She must really be catching up on some rest!
We like this post, and Mama agrees. She is a woman and thinks it's just a woman thing!
Any time you can't get to sleep give me a ring, I'll be up and near the phone. I don't know what it is, I have good intentions. I'm tired as one of my dogs. I've got a cat purring sweetly in my ear but when my head hits the pillow it flips a switch on in my brain to over drive!
I read once that if "over thinking" plagues you, you should make a list before bedtime of all the things you need to do and a list of all the things that concern you. Put the list on the kitchen table and know that you can deal with them in the morning. On trouble was that I was up all night making my list☺
BTW, those Belgian waffles of mine are like putting a piece of Heaven in your mouth. Come on...you'll be up anyway!
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