Remember about a month ago, Glidden was giving away free quarts of paint? You could visit their site and peruse the colors and choose the one that made your heart go pitter pat. I chose "celery sticks" such an interesting color name for a soft green. Well, today, I got busy and sponge rubbed said "celery sticks" all over our bedroom walls.
It ended up looking sort of marbelized over the gold we had on the walls. And...it looks rather neon green, or the green that you saw in mental hospitals, in the 1960's. I hope, dear God please, that when it's thoroughly dry....it will resemble the soft green of celery, and not the place where Nurse Rachette worked.
What did you do with your free quart of paint from Glidden?
Please tell all in your comments today. I'm dying to know!
I did get my free paint, and when it came, I thought of you! The dogs also thank you, because they got to go berserk barking at the FedEx guy...
I bought a very deep garnet red...I think I will paint a little table with it.
Here's hoping that Neon Mental green will darken to celery...
My daughter once picked yellow for her classroom and she got this awful neon yellow color and had to redo it.
Hope yours worked out better and dried well.
I ordered aqua and I received it.
Problem is I don't know what to do with it exactly so it is just sitting there looking at me. It matches the accessories in my bedroom. Would love to do one wall. What is sponge painting?
Wow, you mean I missed something free?....well let us know do you have a glowing neon green room? that might be kind of cool....or not.....green is my favorite color...once my hubby painted our dining room with a beige paint, and he wanted it darker brown, so he added instant coffee....I kid you not, it looked great, and it smelled like I had a pot of coffee always brewing for at least a month.....LOL judy
yep...i got mine. not sure yet what to do with my "fresh guacamole". am still trying to conjure up a project for that one!
I got the soft suede, and am going to see if my kitchen cabinets look good with that across from the red wall. Thanks for sending the info on the paint - it arrived in about a week from when I ordered it.
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