Y'know, for the past three years we just haven't got into the new shows. We really had no idea what was on television that much as far as weekly programming.
This year, maybe because Jim is on the road, (and he's not here for me to torment) I've watched and liked two new shows this week.
On Tuesday, The Good Wife premiered. Okay, I could easily get hooked on that one. Tonight offered, Mercy, and the calendar is already marked for next week with channel and time duly noted!
That's it, two shows that I'm allowing myself to watch during the week. In the summertime, it's America's Got Talent, and the nightly news. Since we no longer get the extended basic coverage, and have downsized to the basic-basic, meaning 5 networks, the tv just hasn't been that appealing to watch.
What shows are you planning to watch each and every week?
Are there any "new" shows that have sparked an interest for you?
I'm more of a book gal, when not in the front bedroom/craft room making cards or scrappin' on long, lonely evenings.
No matter where I am, the corgi kids are there, sitting on my feet, or in the kneehole of the desk.
If the phone rings, oh my, it's like trying to climb out of a trench. Bodies are everywhere!
Hey...Talk about Craftin...I got the cutest card from you! THANK YOU!! I so need to get out the fall decor..but everything around here is still pink...and I have a feeling it is going to be for a bit! Oh well!!! And I have no idea what is even on TV...I'm not sure I can even find the remote! There are alot of "stacks" of baby stuff yet! It has been a truly CRAZY week! I do plan to TRY to get some time Friday to start posting again! Hugs me dear Susan!
And I forgot to mention...I love the 4 generation pic...it truly gives me the warm fuzzies! Hello lil' Emmy!
Love your blog header! I'm hooked on NCIS, Criminal Minds, CSI and Survivor.
I hate to admit it, but I like a couple reality shows.
Love Dance With the Stars.
And there are two good ones on the USA channel - Burn Factor and Royal Pains.
Missed the Good WIfe - I wanted to see that. Darn.
We downsized our cable tv, got charged a fee of $20 to do so!!! Funny, they don't charge you when you ADD features to your monthly bill, but they charge to REMOVE them??? Angers me! Rant over - I watch NCIS, Criminal Minds, and Fringe - my 3 favorites! How is life now that your man is on the road? Hope the income helps.
I am hooked on Ghost Whisperer, have watched it from day one. Also like Medium, it was off for awhile but is coming back. Not as good as it used to be. Also like Fringe....can you tell I like the weird stuff....can't stand all of these reality shows...lol...Other than that don't watch much but Fox News and RFD TV. I'd rather chat with my friends or paint.
I watch too much tv in the evenings. So far my shows haven't came back on. I just love Worst Week, Chuck and Monk. Basically comedies.
I'm not hooked on anything yet. I DO like America's Got Talent (which I know is done) Dancing With the Stars, and So You Think You Can Dance. The only problem is, I forget to watch them on a routine basis!
Somehow, I missed a day. It's Thursday and I'm just now gettin' around...
Sometimes I wish I had a TV.
There aren't too many shows I watch, let alone regularly. I do like "The Office" and "What Not to Wear." I watched "The Good Wife" the other night and liked it a lot, but don't know if it will be a regular thing. My favorite is "The Today Show" and watch it and enjoy it just about every week morning. Want to work on my cards for Halloween and Christmas.
Oh my dear Susan...I have started to post pictures of the Baby Shower...only a few today for GET R DONE Friday...but there will be more coming soon! I know I don't auto update thought I'd send you a special invite! Hugs....Me!
At my house, the "boys" seem to control the TV so it's a steady stream of the Military Channel and "World's Wildest Police Chases", that sort of thing....but I do claim the remote two days a week to watch "The Biggest Loser" on Tuesdays and "Survivor" on Thursday. (And of course, on the weekends I'll downright assault anyone who tries to change the channel when I'm watching college and/or pro football!)
I LOVE Glee. But I love So You Think You Can Dance and like American Idol. So its almost like a bit of both with a good plot.
Books-I am starting The Scarlet Pimpernel. Wish me Luck. :)
Crafts? None... I have horses. They take up my "craft" time. Hee hee.
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