The birdfeeder is busy; the cardinal couple are messy eaters, and feed the masses below, with their droppings. Corn is growing under the feeder, and is nearly a foot high....how strange.
When the weather cools, it makes my project list go into high gear. The gauntlet's been dropped, and the race is on to get-r-done before snow flies. Yard, flowerbeds, winterize house and rv. Sigh....where's my hot cider and afghan?
It's cooled down a lot here in WV too! My feeders are busy too! I feed mine sunflower seeds only. When I give them the mixed wild bird seed they seem to just throw what they don't like on the ground. Then I end up with a lot of morning doves who will eat that stuff.
For the first time in 8 years, we saw a pair of cardinals here. How I had missed those festive topknotted birdies!
Get yerself one of those mugs with a top, and take yer hot cider around with you as you go from task to task! I do! It sweetens the chores a bit!
Hot cider and afgan? Don't look like you are into high gear - best get off yer duff and get crackin, woman!!!
Today I bring the patio furniture into the garage - sigh - - -
It is cool here too in Arkansas... I for one am so happy and enjoying it a lot. First winter away from Florida so it will definately be different...Keep warm and enjoy the season!
Okay - it's cooling down here too. So we do our work - but CDM -don't ever forget to play and take the time to have your hot cider. That is just as important as the work.
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