Have you ever heard of spreading (unused) coffee grounds in those damp basement areas to ward off the musty smell? My brother in law from Texas shared this with his mother on a recent visit.
This will come in handy once the fall rains begin in Indiana.
We have a sump pump, and the dehumidifier runs nearly non-stop.
We always have the musty smell.
So, plan to visit the Dollar store and buy the cheapest coffee grounds possible, and spread away, if you have this problem as well.
I'm thinking the coffee house smell might be delightful!
What say you? Ever heard of this?
Question - do you spread fresh coffee grounds or ones that have been used? No, I haven't heard of this before. Try it - a house smelling like coffee - yum.
You're gonna dump them all over the floor??? I heard of putting the unused grounds or coffee beans in a can, in a corner - or use baking soda in an open container, but not spreading grounds all over the place! Why - - the Corgis would EAT IT!
We use whole coffee beans and have them spread out in a single layer on trays and plates. We don't have a basement, just trying to combat the constant odor of OLD DOGS. I have them in the car, too. It does smell good! But it's not overwhelming at all. You don't think, "Coffee!" Just smells fresh.
I just read to cut an onion in half and leave it out over night and after the onion smell goes away it should help the musty smell. I got it off of realsimple.com if you wanted to search for it there.
Interesting about the coffee grounds
RYN: You left me a message ages ago and then I stopped blogging. I just went through it and found you noted and went to your blog.
Freya's mom was so funny in that picture! That is one of my fave pics with a momma dog--except for the ouchy looking nipples at least. The Dame was a big girl--she's about 30 pounds and the Sire was 20 ish pounds--Freya is so far 18 at 11months.
The only thing I heard about the coffee grounds is that they keep cats out of the compost pile but I'm kinda questioning that one. I am guessing the coffee will definitely spread it's aroma around instead of the must though! Sounds kind a good. I just hope you dont get musty coffee! :)
This is new to me, but love the smell of ground coffee.
You might not know it, but you've just given me the BEST HINT EVER! Part of my basement is finished off and part is used for storage. Humid summers here in Michigan. YOU PEACH☺
coffee grounds in a small cup hidden away out of sight (the way you'd hide those ugly store-bought stinky room fresheners) works great too. Doesn't really smell like coffee after a few hours - but works well at absorbing and neutralizing other odors. Very inoffensive - like baking soda in the fridge.
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