It's all about my caffeine fix, so there! Pink Baby wanted to order, and I told her she had to use her old lady voice, which she did, causing the corgis to giggle in the back seat.
This is the last blooming flower we have in the yard. We always have one die-hard October rose, and this one is a beauty. This one is directly out our back door, and PB wanted a nature shot for Kylie.

Our tiny town is home to Manchester College, a small liberal arts school, full of future CPA's, teachers and science majors mostly. The total population is 1200 students, and it's where daughter April got her undergrad. PB HAD to see the culture hub of our small town, USA. They do a lot for our community, and host the fireworks each 4th of July. We live just down the street.

In the center of town, this plot of land was donated, and delights the masses. It's deeply wooded, has concrete benches throughout for rest or meditation, and the paths are well mulched. It smells so good walking through, no matter the season. We're lucky to have it.

Oh, so glad Pink Baby does not have any ticks! Did you Kylie the link to your webpage so she could read this for herself??? She will be wanting to put you on her map for others to see where Pink Baby is right now!
WoWzers!! That looks like a busy day! I hope you kept Pink Baby to only a sip of coffee or she might be bouncing off the walls!! BOL We always take time to stop and smell the flowers! Did you know our Mommy is going back to school to be a teacher and she works with kiddies now!!
I'm glad that Pink Baby arrived at your house safely! Looks like she is going to have a great time at your house.
Pink Baby is turning into a country girl! Your corgis are showing her the ropes. I love how she is perched on that garden corgi cutout near the rose!
What a great day. I'd be happy to join you and Pink Baby on any excursion. I think Pink Baby needs to meet Pierre Le Monkee, a chum of mine.
A day has to start with khoffee!
Way to go PB!
Tank woo fur sharing your lovely day!
It looks like Pink Baby is having the time of her life over there!
Your town and college sound great.
What a beautiful town you live in -I'm sure Pink Baby is having a grand old time.
Pink Baby is just way too cute... What fun that she gets to do so much and that your such a great PB mom... Have FUN!!!
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