Today, the first of November, is often called All Saint's Day. I was raised Catholic, so it was always a day we "had" to go to mass, something hard to do after running amok on Halloween, and having a buzz left from a candy high.
Anyhoo~let's think about blessings in our lives. We have many. We have many that are overlooked. Blessings don't often jump out at us.
They are usually quiet things, in the background, most always, taken for granted.
My entire life, I have been blessed with a loving, supportive family; parents, siblings, children, and second husband. My first, was NOT a blessing, rather a curse. (giggle...but the truth!)
In my head, as a child, I thought, that most everyone had this in their lives. Adulthood opened my eyes though, to show that was not the case. So, for this I'm thankful
Hubby is working a job he despises, and he isn't home much. Even tho he was very tired, depressed and frustrated following a long week, he thought to pick up three yellow roses to bring home for me and corgis. He loved all the food I had prepared, and relaxed during his less than 24 hour stop-over. So, I'm thankful for that too.
In the upcoming thirty days of November, and host to the holiday of Thanksgiving, women across blog land are documenting things that they are thankful for. Each day we will list a few things that we view as blessings. Today is my first entry. I know that there will be plenty of things to be thankful for. We'll see what the month unfolds and reveals. Join in if you'd like to. I need to do this as clutter covers up what's real in life, and makes us not see what's right in front of us.
Disclaimer: ( I can't be cranky 24/7, and am trying to make an effort here, not to act so dang menopausal!)
I'm with you. I try to count the blessings in my life daily, and even with my tooth issues, I am blessed to have a terrific dentist, who works me in to her calendar with my last minute issues. And blessed, too, for blog friends around the world!
I'm going to follow your lead and concentrate on all my blessings and I have many.
(I'll try not to gloat.) lol
Great idea - wonderful idea! I'm in!
Bah Humbug.
Ha ha, you knew I had to be naughty...no no, I like your count-your-blessings idea, and bloggie friend Carmen of WaxedOutCreativeLife has been doing that too for about 2 weeks now, and several others are with her and posting blessings, too...now I see others are doing it as a tie-in to the U.S. Thanksgiving celebration, how nice...
Poor Jim, it is sure hard to be upbeat when working a job that is very hard and very yucky...this economy has got folks over a barrel...
Sounds like a good plan. And I'm a firm (OK, my beliefs are firm, but not me physically! :D ) believer in focusing on the positive, even when everything else is going to heck in a handbasket! ..great post!
yapping cat
Sweetie, something is wrong with the link you embedded in the button for the 30 Days of Thanksgiving. It says that the blog doesn't exist. You might want to check that out.
I have just finished my first entry and have linked back to you and to Keeping up with the Tatums. We should do a Mr. Linky thing so as this grows we will be able to find all of the entries.
Sorry your hubby has to go through that. We can relate here.
Glad you have so many things to be thankful for though - it is good to reflect on our blessings.
Enjoyed your post today - I've found other blogs doing the same thing, and it is good for the soul. Even if folks choose not to blog about it, there are so many things each of us has to be thankful for. We just need to make time to reflect on it!
I try to be thankful and not let my anger and frustration get in the way of good things. I am blessed for what I do have, which is more than most and less than others. Take care!
Thank you for this wonderful post. I AM counting my blessings!
Yes, is that not the truth.. blessings all around us, just living in America is such a huge blessing! Wonderful post..
PS.. yes my tri Corgis look an awful lot like yours!
Milli and Oscar are a pair of trouble!
What a wonderful idea. As usual, I'm behind in my blog reading, but I think I'll try to add some things for the rest of this month as I, too, have so very much to be thankful for! For the past couple of days, I've been so very thankful that OC's eye is healing so quickly and so well because it really looked awful when it first happened!
I was also thankful that I got to go to my grandson's birthday party, and to take little Gracie to her new home instead of letting my sister have to take her when they took a bunch of pups over to the shelter over there. (Remember, Gracie was going to be the Director's personal dog) Linda
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