Day two of feeling thankful for the blessings bestowed upon me.
Hmmm, what shall they be today?
First off, I am thankful for waking up early this morning, sipping hot tea in semi-darkness, and being allowed to wake up slowly.
I come from a gene pool of non-morning people. My people traveled to America on a ship from Hungary, now better known as Czechoslovakia. Slavs are a dark people, in mood, not skin tone. We lean toward melancholia. My uncle said it's something to do with hexes from old gyspy women....hey, that's what he said!
Back to blessings....see, I can stay on track. It doesn't take an urn of coffee to keep my mind clicking. Well, most days it doesn't.
Second of all, I am terribly thankful for our local public library.
It is a terrific place, and hub of the community here. I peruse the Amazon listings for new books, make a list, and once they have been ordered and processed into the library system, they give me a call and say, "come and get 'em". Quite often I am honored to be the first reader of these new books. So, I do the research and they keep me up to my elbows in new titles by all my favorite authors.
Could life for a bookworm, and former library staff person, be any sweeter? I think not!
While thankful for many things, those are what I'll mention for today. Thank you and good night!
Libraries are a wondrous thing! I love to read, and I love to 'listen' to books! I discovered the joys of listening to books on tape when I had to drive an hour to work each day, and an hour home! I could hardly wait to hop into the car to 'hear' the next chapter! LOVE IT!
I'm not a morning person either! Unfortunately for me I have to get up at 6 am to get ready to take my son to preschool that starts at 8. I so would love to sleep in during the week. I live for Saturday! lol
I'm not a big book reader. I basically would say that I am a blog reader which is a big thing for me to read because I didn't like to read as a child! lol That is so cool that your local library will order books for you like that. You truly are Blessed!
Just this evening I was reviewing my "requests" page on our local library web page, where I have a half dozen books on hold including the new ones by Stephen King and John Irving- the public library really is a thing to be thankful for! I'm also thankful that I share that Slavic dark mood with you and the rest of the crew, somehow it just works for us, you know?
Gosh, what nice libraries. Ours is unusable and often not open anyway...it is so underfunded and the building has terrible problems with mold and they just can't get it out of there...
I love to read and I am NOT a morning gal, unless you count being ready to go to sleep at 6 a.m.
Hey Momma! Have not been here much on computer...at hospital...and NO no Jalina Rose yet...
Do we have picutes of dear EMMY from Halloween yet? Can hardly wait to see them...
Since you are done with the leaves at your place...come on over and start here....(was catching up on facebook too) Someone coming for estimate on roof today...then for the 2x3 hole in living room! LONG story...I hope to blog about it soon! So next week if Jalina ever arrives (Dr. said he will induce next Monday)so hopefully she will come on her own before then or maybe she is waiting for my Dads birthday 11-10-09 ( neat sequence of #'s)....keep em' in your prayer! And...WHAT I am thankful for...is my blog buddies...who keep e-mailing and asking about my girls! Love Ya...and TONS of hugs to all!
Great things to be thankful for and I too love the librarys... HAve a super day now that you're awake... LOL
Okay I am thankful for your blog and that you started blogging again. You've got your blog back.
I am a slow starter, but had Andy home today and the day starter out racing - so I am glad it is almost over. I'm tired.
And I am having a cup of tea right now watching Dance With The Stars -which has been nice.
I am DEEPLY thankful that the Lord has let me retire because I am NOT a morning person either and that was the only thing that I disliked about my job working with the Severely Handicapped children was having to get up early (6 a.m.) to get to work by 8. I've always been a night person (much to my morning person Mother's disgust) and now I get to BE one!!!
Our library was my second home throughout my school years. You can go anywhere and see anything when traveling through a book! I've also been blessed these past several years to be our church librarian, and "have to" read or at least scan the many books that are donated by church members to find out how to classify them etc. Linda
I just found your blog - so cute!
Thought you would like to know that Czechoslovakia was split into two countries several years ago - The are known as the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Pretty neat huh?
I like your thankful posts. I think I might try it too. :D Thank you!
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