The sky was blue, the coffee at McD's was fresh, we saw three fields of sheared sheep, the ponies were out, the corgis were happy, and I was too.
Our power went out for over two hours late this afternoon, candles were lit as darkness rolled in, the lights came back on in time for the evening news.
Overall, it was a good day. I'm thankful for that!
Sounds like an awfully nice day to me!
Especially that COFFEE part!
OK, I just picked this up off another blog and it is attributed to you: Those rotten commie bastards! That, in a nutshell, is our government at work....or rather, your state government.
Don't they consult with soil and conservation, sheesh! All that life, thriving....now forever stilled.
Where's my gun.....?
Lord, I need coffee!
Now, dearie, were we having a bad morning or did we just have a major hot flash!
I sympathize with your concern but...☺
I love, love, LOVE that you are doing a month of giving thanks! Maybe that will be my theme next month...lord knows I'm not usually a fan of December, so it may be useful to remember all that I have to be thankful for!
I'm with Julie and Caleb, maybe I should do this next month since by that point I'll be slammed with Christmas spirit and be all Scroogey.
Ryn: I love her little nub, it's so cute when it wiggles! Her birthday cake was an apple--cheddar cake with cream cheese/yogurt icing. It isn't as pretty as the cake I made for Cloud but they both really love it. Honestly, I kind of like it too--shhh, they don't know that. I wanted to do a meat cake but I got a bunch of free apples from my mom so that sealed the deal for me. Have a wonderful day!
Love you blog this month and glad you are having a good day. You know when you look for the good in life it is hard to be unhappy! Love that picture too!
It does sound like a great day... Hope you have an equally great day again...
It's fun to see the things others are thankful for. Having a lovely day is a really good one. I wish you many, many more!
Hug that delightful little granddaughter of yours--she is just adorable.
That sounds like a great peaceful day to me! I don't drink coffee but I would love to go for a nice scenic drive. Something about that is just peaceful and relaxing to me!
I DO miss the coffee, but I quit having leg cramps when I stopped drinking it, so I've mostly given it up, but it sure does smell good, and I'm glad you could enjoy yours.
The day sounded pretty lovely over all!
I was thankful, yesterday for the joy of watching silly puppies playing, and for a wonderful husband who is a great provider as well as a perfect, God Given match for me (not that we don't have our DIFFERENCES of course, but over all...) Linda
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