This past Saturday we squeezed in hosting a booth at our annual Christmas bazaar in our small town USA.

It wasn't the easiest thing to do after unpacking my MIL's house the past two weeks. It felt more of a chore to endure, rather than to enjoy. Oh well, they do say
that timing is everything.

Son Josh made his cinnamon ornaments, which smelled delightful, and lured folks over by following the delicious scent.

Friend Melody created her prim Christmas things. She's a demon with a can of spray paint! She made up kits of paper bag gingerbreadman garland. Josh and I made sure that we both brought home some to make up.
I made Christmas, sassy housewife, and Domestic Goddess cards, and decorated Christmas gift bags.

The crowd was much smaller than past years. The economy has been hit hard in small towns, and it was reflected by everyone's lack of sales.

It was fun, but we all felt that we did so much better at the county's annual Herbfest held in August. We've all decided to hold out and make one big showing next summer at that event.
We all made a little bit, but after the booth fee, we did not bring home much in cash. However, we did have great fun, swapping items between each other! We all went home happy, with great stuff, from each other's tables!
I know what you mean about more of a chore of endurance than enjoyment...I have done shows that I didn't enjoyed because as you said the timing is everything. I'll sure the economy had alot to do with sales..I know it has with mine this year...but I'm sure y'all enjoyed the friendship and times spent with friends, I always did. We will just have to pray that things will get better over the next year.
I enjoyed looking at your pictures. Brought back memories of the last 15 yrs, really hated that they decided not to have our Around the Christmas Tree this year.
What a lot of hard work this must be! I'm glad you had fun swapping with each other.
Happy Thanksgiving...
Looks like you had a beautiful array of items. The poor economy is down everywhere. Guess you got your MIL in. Have a really wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow.
I love how you had your booth and table. There's really an art to it (that I never caught on to) -- the shutter holding the cards is a stroke of durned genius.
That ol' economy has got us all down. Just keep on keepin' on and we'll muddle thru.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! You get TWO Thanksgivings, how fun!!! Nothin' like Cracker Barrel and then a home-cooked one, too.
The gingerbread man kits sound especially good. Wishes for a great Thanksgiving!
I did exactly what you did one year and like you, didn't realize all that much profit but had a wonderful time. I enjoyed looking at everyone else's goodies and getting a few ideas for my own crafting.
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving☺
Did you have a nice Thanksgiving today?
Shows are hard work. Not the 'day of' so much but the prep. I'm going to try and get to some bazaars this year. I love them and there is nothing like bringing home a little something handmade with love rather than bought in a store. Your tables look so pretty! xo xo
I love cinnamon ornaments so much! I love the smell and I love cinnamon candies's heaven!
It looks like you guys did a lot of hard work but had a lot of fun anyway.
I must be exhausted but I didn't see a place to comment on the advent calendar. Isn't it wonderful when our kids follow some of the traditions we did.
I do wonder why RIchard Pryor married so many times.
We did have a nice time at Lake Lanier.
Are you going to NC for Christmas or are they coming up to visit you?
I have to comment on the "Don't evah come home with an appliance!" husband's ears are still ringing from that darn can opener he thought I needed a few (several actually) years ago! I do not think any more can openers will be forthcoming! Loved this post! (Oh, also, you are allowed to have a whole bowl of's sooooo delicious, it must be good for us!) Hugs, Coralie
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