It's been a few days, hope all of you are doing well.
We've been unpacking my MIL's possessions this week, and running errands to get her all set up to become a Hoosier.
It's takes time and energy, and strong menfolk around, of which we have not. Grrr!
Anyway, I'm thankful that the week has gone by. All three dogs get along very well, and so do my mother in law and I.
Lady Jane's grandbaby was born on the 17th, pink and healthy. Am thankful for that.
I'm thankful still and will continue to be thankful for the kids I was blessed to have, and raise, and for the blog buddies I have made since I began this venture.
November may be a wet and dreary month, which aggravates achy joints, but the warmth from "the girls" makes life better every day!
I'm glad your mother-in-law is settling in. Glad, too, for my blog friends who make my world sweeter. Have a cute doggy picture I'm putting on the blog for today.
M'dear, we had the air conditioner running yesterday...full blast in the car, too...I was just musing over on Buttercup's bloggie about how BIG the U.S. is, with such varied climates...I would love to visit your area and experience this cold (knowing I could skedaddle when the snow lingers too long!!!)...
Glad the MIL move is winding down and everything getting into its place...it IS hard when there is no one with physical strength around to help...tugging on boxes and reaching and bending is for the birds...
I'm glad to hear things are going smoothly. It's great the dogs are getting along. No alpha-dog squabbles to contend with.
It's great you can find things to be thankful for in a wet and dreary November and unpacking.
I'm glad you MIL is doing well - is she happier here?
We had the a/c on here today too in the car - in the house nothing is running - not to hot or to cold.
Rick is raking leaves.
Too bad there are no men folk around to help. It's great that the dogs are getting along so good. I'm sure that is a relief. I'm not sure how my dogs would do with another dog around here.
Was wondering if you got your package in the mail this week? I mailed it on Monday morning. Hope it arrived safely and I hope that you enjoy it!
It is such a blessing when you have a MIL that you can love and get along with! My In-Laws were very nice people and I was truly blessed to have them for the years we did! I'm happy, too, that the dogs are all hitting it off nicely and that the moving is "getting there." Hope you will take the time, even if it isn't all the way done to rest and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
By the way, I love the gifts from your give-a-way that I recieved today. They are so cute/funny and since I'm a pretty avid reader, I can always use another bookmark in a book I'm reading or in my Bible... they will make it look better than all the little torn pieces of paper that are sticking out of it now! Thanks again! Linda
Hugs my dear Susan...how VERY sweet of you to mention and be Thankful for our Jalina Rose! There is so much to share with my best blog buds...it has been a very long few weeks...but thankfully both Mommy...Jalina...and Grammy are well! Tell dear MIL that I really wanted to come and help...tell dear Jimmy I send love for him too (lol see we are driven crazy when our fellas are in our space...and crazier when we need em' for their muscles) send EMMY kisses from Grammy Jane...and of course...toss all 3 babes a bone from me! Thankful for one of my dearest blog buddies! Hugs to you and yours....
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