Josh and his gal Jenny haven't seen each other for five months, so a Wendy's supper and a movie was long overdue. She lives in assisted living, and a staff person brings her to a town midway between where we live, and where she lives. I'm Josh's ride, and mama, and encourager in the dating scene. Mostly I collect giggles for myself, as they are both so darn cute!

They meet every June, as they have now for the past fourteen years at their special camp. That camp is the highlight of their year, and I've written about it before, and what it means to them. They don't smooch, they hug, and smile at each other a lot.
It's just the sweetest thing!
We try to get them together a couple times a year for an outing such as this. They saw the new Christmas Carol movie tonight, and I just realized that Josh didn't tell me a thing about the movie...just about Jenny during the twenty-six mile drive home.
In between visits, they send cards, letters, and make phone calls.
A meeting was held quite far from Earth!
It's time again for another birth.
Said the Angels to the Lord above
"This Special Child will need much love."
His progress may be very slow,
Accomplishment he may not show.
And he'll require extra care
From the folks he meets down there.
(He may not run or laugh or play;)
His thoughts may seem quite far away.
In many ways he won't adapt
And he'll be known as handicapped.
So let's be careful where he's sent.
We want his life to be content.
Please Lord find the parents who
Will do a special job for You.
They will not realize right away
The leading role they're asked to play.
But with this child sent form above
Comes stronger faith and richer love.
And soon they'll know the privilege given
In caring for their gift from Heaven.
There precious charge so meek and mild
Edna Massimilla
This is a great post. I love the poem. HE knows just whom to give who to - doesn't HE? You are never given more than you can handle. The two of them are so cute together.
Made me cry, you did!
Josh and Jenny are so very sweet together. The love and kindness in their eyes is just so apparent. There is nothing "handicapped" about their loving hearts.
I really like that poem. I do feel that my son was sent to me specifically, so that he would always have a safe harbor and love, despite the cruelty of the world.
Thanks for sharing the story and pictures - the poem is precious, just as the friendship of this sweet couple!
What a happy post! Thanks for sharing something so sweet and special.
Josh is lucky to have you!!
I'm so happy for Josh and Jenny that they got to have a good visit! What a blessing!
Your poem made me cry as it is one that we had posted for many of the years I spent in my classroom with my special kids, and always meant so much to me. It brought back so many memories!
Linda (OC's Mom)
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