Jim's mom and her Golden, Dolly, arrived mid-morning from Colorado, safe and sound. She is moving to our town, in fact, right behind us, across the alley. We will be back door neighbors. We're thankful that the trip is behind her. Now we're waiting for the moving van to arrive on Friday. Keep your fingers crossed....anyone want to help unpack boxes? Surely, someone, out there, likes to unpack......?
I'm glad to hear that she made it safe and sound! I'm sure she is happy to be living that close to you and your husband.
Dolly is sure a pretty blonde. I see she is enjoying a bone after her long trip.
You can bet I'd help if I were there. I have moved so many times that boxes of stuff no longer daunt me. I just wade in!
It is going to be in the 80's here tomorrow. Hard to get that cozy fall feeling...but better than cold weather, I think. Why can't the whole nation have nice autumn weather year 'round, anyway???
If we were closer, we'd come help! We are so glad that she got there and will be so close, and her Dolly looks like a real "Doll!" That breed is usually so laid back and sweet, and she is really beautiful!
OC Whispering: Actually, rumor has it that there are STILL boxes in the backs of closets that are unopened from the time Mom moved out her over 19 years ago...
So glad they made it safe! Dolly...here is a treat fom Jane! I would love to come and help...since a certain little someone refuses to come! Maybe if Janelle carries around some BIG boxes she will come! Or maybe we can send Janelle out with the corgis and Dolly to run around!
Glad they arrived safely. One less thing to worry about, right? And one more thing to be THANKFUL for! Unpacking? Have fun with that - it is better than PACKING, that is for certain!
Your two guests look quite contented. Must be your hospitality.
I'm thankful I don't have to unpack those boxes!
Glad she got there safely.
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