Finally they seemed to agree on one, and concentrated their sniffles on one little square.

'Lo and behold, the winner, is herself, another corgidogmama!
It's Linda, from California, better known as ocmist! Congrats to Linda! Just email your addy via corgidogmama@yahoo.com, and I'll mail it out in the morning. Thanks to all who commented and jumped in to play. I appreciate your readership and friendship.
Off to unpack more boxes, have yourself a terrific Sunday!
Well sniffed!
Happy Sunday!
Well, I must say that is a very creative way of conducting drawing.
Using your resources, you might say!
Congratulations Linda! Looks like you are on a roll! Winning something every week aren't we! hehehe
What a cute way to sniff out a weiner!
I'm writing down the authors name...your little Emmy is just so darling...and shoot, I missed out, because I didn't stop by more often....thanks for your comment... I'm reading a cute book, called "Arnie the darling Starling"...and it's a true story about a starling that fell out of his nest, was taken in by the lady that wrote the book, and he talks...it's the cutest story... well going to go make some more herbal neck packs....I have another craft show on the fifth...I did real well at my church's last sat.....now I'm in the more to sell, sell, sell.... LOL.... judy
What???!!! Those ingrates! After all the treats I promised them if they'd sniff out my name! Well, the nerve of those dogs!!!
Congrats to the winner ocmist!!!
I loved playing your giveaway! Something fun!
Congrats to you Linda! Have fun my dear unpacking more boxes..I really do wish I could help...but I am off to the showers as today is the day! Sigh...I am going to be a Grammy! And please give Dolly and the Corgis a treat from me for a job well done!
Best sniffers in the world, those adorable corgi's of yours! Have a great week! Hugs, Coralie
Oh, congrats to Linda - we are so pleased she won your contest!!! Couldn't happen to a nicer person!!!
What a clever way to do the choosing!
Hurray for sniffers!
Congrats Linda. The dogs did a fine job.
Wow! How great! Thanks so very much to you and your pooches for choosing us! I'll get that address emailed out soon and thanks again! Linda, OC and the Corgi Crew
PS. OC says to tell you that she is NOT a Weiner Dog!!! She is a CORGI! (I tried to explain, but she's a bit huffy today...)
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