It's so blustery outside...I lost some of my Christmas decor off the front porch last night. It's probably miles away! The rooftops and ground are nearly white, making it more seasonal. The birdfeeders are swinging and shaking. One little wet sparrow has his back to the wind and is hanging on, finding some protection. There is chicken and veggies in the oven, and carols on the radio. Earlier, I mailed a big box of Christmas off to North Carolina. Lil' Emmy has some Santa surprises coming~

This weather makes you want to burrow in, hunker down, bake something, and light candles. Poor Jim, has a bad chest cold and is waiting it out in the back of a semi tractor cab...not nearly as comfortable and cozy as the corgi kids and I are.
Maybe some chocolate will help shake some of this guilt off...what do you think?
If I knew where he was, I'd gladly bring him some goodies! Fresh baked Corgi-shaped Sugar Cookies and hot cocoa...mmmmmm! Tell him to get off at the Cedar Springs exit, and I will pick him up at a parking lot near by - he can have venison chili and spend the night eating popcorn with Mr. Wonderful and the Corgis!!!
Ah, the life of an over-the-road trucker! AT least they know where all the places to eat are, huh?
Yes, you should have some chocolate! I just seen ClassyChassy's post with all of the snow in her yard. No wonder your husband is stuck in all of that. Hope he stays warm!
We were flooded in this morning and couldn't get out so the kids didn't go to school and my husband didn't make it to work. Then our electric went off for a few hours but we have a generator so we were fine. I'm just glad that it did come back on because it is supposed to get into the teens tonight. Brrrrr!
That is bad news about Jim being sick and on the road. Just no good. That poor thing. Truckers anywhere but the far southwest have a hell of a time. I hope the weather lets up and he can get home soon.
Your photo is so funny! I have to wonder, what "look" will sum up the 2000's?
Sounds like you had BAD wind there...
Hope your DH stays warm and gets over that cold. Sounds like he is the one that needs the hot chocolate!
Your photo alteration is so funny! I can only imagine what your husband will say...hmm...what will he say! I hope he feels better soon and gets back home in a healthy happy way! Hugs to you both! Coralie
I love your photo art too! Quite a talent you have there!
I have Tango's warmest blanket on...we've got the wind and cold but not the snow! Stay warm.....
SHAME...Your poor little Jimmy...out there with a cold...freezing to provide for you and the Corgi-babes....and you...thinking of Chocolate AND making not so flattering ( although some gals like a great nerd...lol)! Now shame on ya...dear MIL...go ahead...lol...give it to her...picking on our darlin' little Jimmy like this! I AM telling Ho-Ho on you...and you will get nothin in your stocking ( did I say sock?) ANYway...as much as it hurts me (fingers crossed) to give you a scolding ( where is the great flail of Penniwig anyway?) I feel I must!!! HUH!!!!! Thinking of CHOCOLATE at a time like this......
It's fruitcake Season Sista...get it right! Love...and Huggies to YOU! Hety how was the TEA?
And on tip of tit all..I taint spillin berry dood eider! Toe tu knoed I mad!
I didn't spell right in my last comment either. 'President'.
Hey cute picture of Jim there. At least your missing him - that's good. It looks cold and snowy in Michigan. I hope he got home safe and that his chest cold gets better.
Hope Jim is feeling much better. Thanks to him and his colleagues for keeping us all fed. I try to say a little prayer for the truckers in NYC. It's so tough getting through the traffice and without them it would be a disaster for all of us living on this island.
My hubby drove truck for 32 years and I know how you feel. Sometimes it's quite worrisome when they are sick and stuck "out there" in nasty weather. I will be praying for him, and for peace for you, too!
Your photoshopped pic looks a lot like one of our classmates... LOL
I love the little picture of Emmy on your blog cooking cookies. I know you'll miss her this Christmas. Wish you could see her. When will you see her next?
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