What is it about watching the birds? It's relaxing, it's humorous, it's addictive! Our feeders are right outside the computer window, so I turn my head to the right for entertainment while waiting for a download, or more often...inspiration!
We have two manly red cardinals and two whopper blue jays who seem to be the same size as doves. They're huge, and so, so bright!
The tiny wrens are the most plentiful at the feeder, and surge from bush to feeder en mass. It's a group thing with them!

The days roll by faster as our December calendars fill up. It's so easy to put ourselves last. Girls...we need to stop doing that! Tomorrow my MIL and I are attending a Christmas Tea with the college president, Jo, the first female college prez at our tiny, local institution. She sent invites to gals in town over the age of 50. Whether it be sympathy, or curiosity, we're going...to listen to the hand bells, drink their tea, and scarf up some sweet goodies.
I'm going to feel girly, and kick back, and enjoy the affair. No boxes to empty, no wet basement to mop up, and the dog poop in the yard can just stay there for a day!
Santa Wisdom: Dream what you want to dream; Go where you want to go; Try to be who you really are, Because life is short, and often only gives one chance to do things.
Let's jump in girls, and live a little bit more just for ourselves. We don't always need to be on the back burner, or swallow words, or think, 'oh well, it doesn't matter, really'...
I love watching and feeding the birds too! I have a couple of red headed woodpeckers who come to my feeder along with the cardinals and last year I had a few yellow finches that stayed around for the Winter. I haven't seen them this year perhaps they know we are going to have a very cold Winter and they moved on South. Did you know that the female and the male blue jay look alike? They do! The female is smaller than the male but that's it.
Hope you and your Mother in Law have a great time tomorrow! I wish I could go to our Church's Board and Staff dinner tomorrow but my husband is out of town and I don't have a sitter for my kids. I'm always putting things off because of the kids. I keep saying next year! Which next year I will be able to do more because both will be in school all day. More time to get my house back in order! lol
Merry Christmas!
I love watching our birds, I am so sad right now, for some reason our Red Birds haven't showed up like they do every year, I sure hope they do come back, I love watching the 2 dozen that usually show up.
Hope you and your MIL have a great time, we all need a little ME girly time, we deserve to be treated special....
It's really relaxing to watch the birds outside. I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season and you and your MIL enjoy the Christmas Tea!
oooh! I want to go to a tea with Jo, but I don't meet the age requirements!!! ; ) Hope you gals had fun!
I hope you and your mother in law have a great time tomorrow with the Preident. How cool.
I love the birds, too...we have those Jumbo Jays here as well! I think my favorites are the little silly mourning doves...we feed them all, and with the bad weather, they have been raising heck when we are late throwing the seed out...
Yes, I do believe many ladies do put themselves last...and life passes by...
The tea sounds wonderful! I love the bell choirs -- the chime choirs are similar and also very beautiful to hear...
The birds don't stick around too long in our yard cause of our dogs, but I loved to watch them. I also really enjoyed watching fish in an aquarium too--it's like zen in motion and I'm on my way to sleepy land if I'm not careful.
Your ornaments are beautiful, especially the big red star fish. Hope you have a great time today!
Happy Holidays
We have mostly Juncos (AKA snowbirds)in the winter. We also have chickadees, cardinals and crows. The crows are the most interesting with all their chatter and activities. Crows are so smart!
Hope you had a great day at the outting and enjoyed your sweets.
We've had issues with possum poo in the yard of late......errrrrrr, not good.
Lady prez @ Goshen College?
Cheryl in B-town
I'll second that....I so would love to attend the tea with you and dear MIL! I hope you are both wearing your finest of hats my friend...AND WARM socks (see Penniwigs today) So that you stay Fine...fancy AND Warm in this Midwest weather! Well I need to do some catching up here I see...so hugs to you all there.....
Loving those beautiful birds on this post! I'm fascinated every day with seeing the birds come to feed or just flit about. Speaking on flitting about...I hope you had a fabulous time at your tea! Sounds like fun! Take care...enjoy your day! Hugs, Coralie
Love the santa Wisdom and LOVE watching and feeding birds:)
Ooooo I LOVE hand bells. They haven't done those around here for the past several years and I really miss them! We don't have any of the brilliantly colored species that you mentioned down here. When I was little and lived in the mountains we had blue jays. In the spring, we have some brilliantly colored Western Meadowlarks with their red-orange to brilliant yellow breasts, and black markings and white stripe on the wings.
We DO always have the dove and the quail around here, and I love to listen to them. Hope you and MIL have fun!
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