I'm not sure if it's the winter doldrums, too many gray skied days, but this house is blah! Dreams of paint swatches and ripping down old wallpaper border, and painting woodwork have filled my brain. Do you ever get that way? Think and scheme in color?
Many women are so creative. I used to be like that. Then marriage sort of took that out of me. Men don't like country cottage; men have "stuff"; and good heavens men like big, bulky furniture, and piles of things. Back in the day, when I was single for fifteen years...our homes were creative, colorful, and had a touch of femininity. Now, I'm not saying that I want Jim to go away, and pack up all his bulky belongings...but, I do miss those more decorative, awe-inspired, and yes, girly surroundings! Lace curtains have been replaced by wooden slat blinds.
Furniture is woody, not wickery. Get the idea?
Is it a toss up? If man lives in house, women don't decorate as they hanker to?
It's a quandary...
I love the look of your blog. I've been thinking for awhile and definitely in the winter that the apartment needs a pick up. I think you're on track with men and women, but it's just me and I could do anything. I'm thinking of going with yellow for the kitchen. That should perk things up!
Hey Corgidogmama!
I love the new look of your blog! That is one place where you can be your girly self! lol
My husband didn't come with any stuff! lol Everything we had when we were first married belonged to me. My living room right now and for the last 12 years has had a mauve carpet with floral furniture and mauve curtains with lace balloon things. So my living room is really girly! I had never really thought about it until a few years ago for some reason. Now, he did approve of the girly floral furniture before we bought it.
Now he does have his man cave out in the back yard! lol I don't go in there and I don't bother his stuff in there! It's a barn with his stuff in it! lol
Have a Great Week!
Oh, I'm so glad to see you back!!!
Gosh ... in our marriage, I'm the one who's decor-challenged, more inclined to canyon-palettes (sp!?).
The only insight I can offer comes from a decades-old (a no-longer) marriage. Our counselor suggested I "take over" one room of the house and make it my own ...a sanctuary as it were. A "No boys allowed" clubhouse for one.
You and I are sisters at heart...lol..I just told DH yesterday that I am redoing the living room, I have a wallpaper border that he put up 25 yrs ago and it has to go...too dull and dating. I have finally started redoing my house the way I like it..his den is the pits, stuff laying in piles by his chair cause it's easier to find it that way...I run from that room screaming...I can't stand clutter. He must have blinds on all windows instead of pretty curtains..Men are from Mars and women from Venus is so true...
WELCOME BACK!!!!! Since you have others living with you, I doubt you have a room that you could have to decorate for yourself like a work room or something? How about a part of a room?
You do have a nicely "girly" blog and can be yourself to your heart's content here. I don't tend to do girly myself so much, so Mike's never had any problem with what I like except that it's a bit much... I horde things... :(
You're back to Blogland - welcome - you have been sorely missed.
I love the look of your new blog and I love the writing of the story with a question.
Maybe you found your new mojo.
I am like Angela, Ocmist, and Mevely - I have a room all to myself and I don't let anyone in except when I want!
Does that sound mean?
I leave everyone elses room alone - if they want to junk it up and leave it a mess - fine - I keep mine neater, pretty, clean, white and aqua and blue, and I have candles and my own pictures and everything.
This way I feel satisfied and I am more willing to let others do their own thing.
No our house does not really have a male or female theme - oh yeah - it has a kids theme - everywhere - except my place - well not true - I do have a little kids stuff in my room - but not much.
It seems like no matter who you live with, their tastes will influence your home decor. That's why my house is decorated in 20th Century Eclectic. But it's comfortable and presentable so it's all good.
Howdee - love your new blog look - sweeeeet! Even Mr. Wonderful does not cotton to lace and frills in the home - and - since we are lving in the woods, it is RUSTIC all the way! I do try to squeeze some femininity into the mix here and there, but if it gets to be too much for him, Mr. Wonderful makes it disappear!
In my little craft room,I have framed "my loves"...For example...I love Period movies,Jane Austin,Poetry,..I love to create,I love the feel of grass on my hands,rain on my face,breezes,I love spending time with myself...a long list of items that I feel are important to no other but me.These frames have become so important to me.I always go and read them when i feel lost,confused,frustrated.They center me.Keeping the outside world,..hubby,..kids,..work...apart from the me I know best.I have short term mermory loss(hehehehe,well not really)and every once in a while,I need to rememeber what I love...outside of the obvious.
Warmest Regards,Cat
Beautiful Blog! Enjoyed my visit. I have 4 Corgi's!
I left my home, moved into his house and TOOK OVER! Just like on Fried Green Tomatoes! ha.
His "stuff" consisted of things collected from the curb, wherever he could score cheap or free.
We literally shoved it all out the door and moved my purty stuff in!
YEAH! I'm in my wicker chair w/wicker ottoman as I write!
Go girl! DO IT!
hugs, Cheryl
I left my home, moved into his house and TOOK OVER! Just like on Fried Green Tomatoes! ha.
His "stuff" consisted of things collected from the curb, wherever he could score cheap or free.
We literally shoved it all out the door and moved my purty stuff in!
YEAH! I'm in my wicker chair w/wicker ottoman as I write!
Go girl! DO IT!
hugs, Cheryl
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