A sparrow enters the tree
Whereon immediately
A snow-lump thrice his own slight size
Descends on him
And showers his head and eyes.
–Thomas Hardy
That's exactly what's happening in our neck of the woods. Flurries off and on all day, but tonight, it's getting serious. Flakes, are the size of fifty cent pieces, no kidding! Plunk, right on top of a bird would have some impact I think. Plunk, right in our eye, has impact too! Surely...Winter will wane soon...won't it?
Do you like using herbs and spices when you cook? I try to cut salt intake way down, by using freshly ground pepper, garlic cloves, fennel seeds, rosemary, cumin, chives, parsley, liberally in most dishes. Tonight, I'm roasting carrots, sweet potato slivers, onion, green pepper, zucchini, and mushroom chunks. Tossed in a little olive oil, and some of the seasonings mentioned, at 425. The smell is tantalizing...and even the corgi kids are lurking by the oven.
I often do this while Jim is gone through the week. I'm not the carnivore that he is, although the corgettes are.
We went to Outback on Sunday for a belated Valentine's supper. He gave me a couple yellow roses, and a Skor bar too. He's a good egg, but slightly cracked.
Thank God!

Oooh! Outback is great once in a while. And then, a Skor bar? Woohoo!
Oooh! Outback is great once in a while. And then, a Skor bar? Woohoo!
Hey Corgidogmama!
I hope it doesn't turn into a blizzard where you live! We are supposed to get snow tomorrow and the rest of the week! Snow is starting to be a four letter word! lol
Your dinner sounds yummy! I like roasted veggies too! but I'm the only one so I don't do it often as I'd like.
Stay inside so those snowflakes won't poke your eye out! hehehe
Your guy sounds like a keeper!
The chocolate would work just fine!!! We're getting more winter weather here too - right now, there's nothing at our house, but someone called that lives by the lakeshore, and its snowing and blowing so hard they can't see across their street from the picture window!!! I guess that might be in store for us tomorrow! ugh.
I don't know what is up with this weather. We are suppose to get some more snow ourselves tonight down here in South Mississippi. Your veggies sound yummy. We love cooking with herbs and seasonings.
Be safe and warm
How totally sweet! I've never been to Outback... We've thought about it several times, but the line has always been out the door with a 45 min. to 1 hour wait, so we always end up going somewhere else.
I always loved looking at those huge snowflakes sort of drifting down... not great if there is a lot of wind involved though! I sure hope we get some snow in the mountains near here so we can show it to the corgis!
Your veggies sound wonderful! I've a good mind to write down the list and try to get some made for next week!
I'm licking my lips....LOL....I just use salt....should I? NONONO... but I'm like salty, sweet, salty, sweet....then I complain when I get on the scale... I haven't even weighed in this month at Curves, for I would be in trouble....
We had a day the other day, that went from huge flakes, to fine mist...then back to the huge flakes, and then we get teased with sunshine....yes, I AM READY FOR SPRING....snows not even pretty anymore....
Lets think spring and hope the it arrives soon.... judy
It sounds like you had a great time and that your hubby is a good guy! Love your Corgi!
Hey, I'm with the others - he sounds so sweet -
I love Outback and the roses - nice touch. And we are all slightly cracked or more! lol
What is up with this weather anyway?
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