Men just don't get us. Heck, most of the time, I don't get us either!
When we get quiet, introspective, and go into our turtle shell a bit; men automatically think we are being moody, cranky, and even bitchy! Well!
Many of us have admitted to being in a mood lately. Tired, out of sorts, and somewhat in a fog. My haze has lasted nearly three weeks now, and I'm convinced that Spring has something to do with it. Spring = Change. Change is not easy for the menopausal, post-menopausal, and yeah....even the pre-menopausal. Let's just throw in the whole female lot of us!
Rather than the term "bitchy"...I prefer adjectives such as, contemplative, solitariness and unrivaled. Being in an unrivaled state, I can mentally veg, and just be. Once the work bell rings 'quittin' time' my brain goes to mush mode. I hate it. Anybody with me here? Puttering in the yard, selecting annuals and a few new perennials, sipping an ambrosial mocha frappe', minus the whipped cream of course, gladdens my heart. Who knows what's causing this funk, and really, who cares? It's here, and we'll just ride the wave to shore. Are you with me girls? Find something that soothes you during these days of insulated nothingness.
The big black horse had her colt, and it's a clone of her. There are twin lambs in the field of the log cabin farm. A field of nearly one hundred sheep came up to the fence, about five feet away from the car, to see what the bouncing, yipping corgi was all about. Jake ducked his head in humiliation. Addie is SO strange!
These, are the things that make me smile, and keep me going. Conversation doesn't do it. Company doesn't either. Animals and country life, a good book, and quiet. It doesn't take much really; but it's enough. How do you cope when "the fog" hits?
I walk. Walking, getting outdoors, clears my head.
Or, I work in the yard. Ripping, tearing, hacking, cutting. FUN times! (I think in a former life I was the one who let the guillotine (SP?) blade fall...)...being outdoors usually clears the fluff. Being with my girl (Chelsea Kabob) helps, too. I also love to go to Barnes & Noble & get a coffee & look at magazines. Hang in there! waddah gonna do? xo, Cheryl
how about smooches from an adorable 3 yr old? that should clear your funk! One more week!
I have to agree with you, I get into funks and just don't want to talk and DH thinks I'm mad or just being bitchy..when really I just want to be left to my thoughts without having to explain or even think.
Lately I just play with my camera and my new Photo shop elements. I also find for some reason lately I get extremely sad for no reason...it will pass it always does, but as you say I'll just ride the wave to the shore.
I like to whine and gripe on my bloggie when in a mood...my moods make me frantic rather than quiet...blab blab...like now...
Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one. Fighting urge to re-up on the antidepressants - plus so dag-gone tired. Crying would take too much effort...So would vacuuming. Ugh.
Well April is right - in a week your little one will bring your right out of the funk. Until then don't be harsh on yourself.
You are not alone. We all go through them.
I like to think of life as a circle - you're either going down into a funk or you are coming out of one - you will come out - it is just a matter of time.
Love ya,
I hate funks, I get into them every month for 3 days. Gardening definately helps:)
Pretty much like you, animals and a good book and I like to be outside also, if it would just warm up, not be windy, quit raining and storming!!! I'd like to bake more but, that just means more fat. I'm really in a funk and pretty bitchy right now! I am a summer person and I just want it to get warm. We have 8 months of winter here, at least! Whew! Aren't you sorry you asked? :-)
Yep. I know what you mean. Tho SO is usually the one with nothing to say because he is dead-dog-tired. I just let him be. I told my son when he was being too pushy with his girl-friend that you need down time. Anyone who has to supply a life for someone else is doomed. If I could not amuse myself; SO and I would have been doomed years ago. I like being alone; I like having company. And, there are times I am soooo glad to be alone because I would not want to put up with me!!
Your 100% right!!They dont get us and never will..What to do..what to do.Well I suppose I could let my imagination take me to Cancun,or perhaps a few coctails,a chocolate cake,..ok..ok..I escape..when I can..to my personal haven...the bathroom of course!With little ones..its the only space I can say..."No!your just going to have to wait!" And yes,its fully loaded with books and magazines.Hehehe!!Creating has taken on a new release for me too and I am sooooo thankful for it.Big Big Hugs to you my friend,Cat
Hello, hello, I like your blog, and one reasdon is, the cute Corgi !!!
Best regards from Flo, Nana, and Uyanga.
I loved your mental picture of the sheep coming to check out the Corgis. And twin lambs, what could be cuter?
When I get to feeling solitary, I either veg out and watch TV or do the rounds of the thrift stores.
I used to bake but that is counter productive since I'm trying to get under 200. (I'm getting close.)
What you need is to go on a long trail ride! You'll forget your 'funk', and all you'll remember is the PAIN!!! ooch aach ooch aach!
I read or check out my friends online, such as you!
I'm with walking, browsing books and a good crossword and a glass of lemonade and I'm a much happier person. I can take out my crossword on the subway and by the third or fourth word the work day starts to fade away.
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