Hello, and Goodbye.
Around 530a.m., tomorrow, this Grammy will head out for the Indy airport and fly down to Durham, North Carolina. There, waiting for her cheesy broccoli soup at Panera Bread, will be little Emmy and her mama, April. We're having a girls lunch out, to chat each other up, and catch up. We haven't seen each other since they were in Indiana last Labor Day. We're overdue. I can't wait!
The hard part will be the trip down. This Grammy hates to fly and has not done so in twelve years. Pre-9/11. It will take longer to get to the airport in Indy then the non-stop flight to N.C. It's just a short visit since I'm a working girl now. A friend will drop me off and pick me up Sunday night. (She's a saint to do this.)
This is also the first time that Addie, our female corgi, will be without her mama. I've never left her before. In the past, she has made the roadtrip with me to NC. My MIL will come and stay with the doggies at night, and let them out during the day. She lives right across the alley from us, so thankfully, a familiar face, Addie will see.
Jim has been training another driver this week, so I'm praying he'll make it back to rub tummies, and play ball with the furkids. Their tummies, not mine.
( I sort of resent never getting my tummy rubbed.....but, that's a whole different story!) He hee!
I know exactly how you feel not having your little one closer geographically. I have to go get a grandkid fix every now and then, too!
Have a great time even though a short one.
Hey Corgidogmama!
I was wondering how you were going to be getting there. If you were going to be driving through West Virginia and I could try to meet ya! Oh well, flying is way faster and it will give you more time to spend with your family!
Hope you have a Wonderful Time!
Safe Travels!
Oh Susan - you will be okay but I'll say some extra prayers.
You will have such a great time - keep you eye upon the goal.
How much fun to have a girls weekend.
I know it's hard when our kids move away.
Have fun and have some desserts!
Have a safe trip and a wonderful time. Love the Panera soups, too, but of course best of all is seeing family. Enjoy!
I wanna go with you to Durham! I'll hold your hand so you won't be afeared!
You crack me up...maybe if hubby knew you wanted your belly rubbed he would oblige!
I hope you have a great flight. We fly a lot. I can't say I'm always thrilled, it is just necessary. I think when we went to HI in Feb was the first time I was over the ocean...I tried not to think about it. I find comfort in denial. xo Cheryl
Have a wonderful trip and a safe flight! I'd rub some tummies for you if I was closer :)
Hope it's a great time. Enjoy!
Have a great time, and let us know all about your adventures when you return!!!
What a grand adventure!! Talk to you when you come wandering home.
Have a great time in Durham with your little Emmy and April! And flying will get you to them much faster. I'm sure your MIL will take good care of your babies. Have a safe trip and tell us all about it when you return!
As much fun as it is to travel. it's always hard to leave the pets behind. Have a wonderful time!
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