Call me crazy, but lately, I'm thinkin', that the US of A would be much better off if D.C., would blow up, disappear, and all who held an office would be stripped of their fine lifestyle and insurance coverage, and we were all equal again, like way back when. I do realize, having a bit of college, and just plain natural smarts, he hee, that the world if full of the haves and the have nots. But, things are just going crazy....nutso....fast forwarding into a black hole of stupidness.
Ooops, maybe this week is hormonal surge week, but truly, does anyone else out there think we're in serious trouble here? I'm not bashing Obama...or the Republicans...I think they're all cuckoo! It's as if, we the American people, have thrown up our hands and said..."oh, whatever!" That isn't who we are....that is NOT our history! When, did we become so uninterested...so apathetic....so overwhelmingly, blase'?
Two nights of not sleeping well takes it toll on old women pushing fifty-nine.
It makes us think for God's sake.....and write entries into their blogs that are better left unwritten! Sigh...getting old sucks. Men are poopy. Knitting is hard to learn. Friends are wonderful. Holding a cup of hot tea early in the morning is so enjoyable. The shine of your grandchild's hair and eyes is breathtaking. The trill of birdsong is awesome, okay, it's irritatin' after too long a time, but still, it's pretty cool. And, the cuttlefish, what an amazing thing that lives on the sea floor!
Thank you PBS for Lawrence Welk reruns, and Nova.
OK, I'm outta here. I refuse to be held responsible for this post.
Somebody else did it.
Somebody short and furry...yeah, yeah, that's the ticket....a corgi did it!
Little buggers.