Summing it Up...

Now, that I'm way on the wrong side of sixty, I feel that being true to self is important. "I yam, what I yam." Kindness and smiles are to be given away. Women are strong. Men are more vulnerable than we believe. Husbands may come and go...but one thing I know for sure is that I will NEVAH live without a corgi or coffee in my life if I can prevent it. Come piles of dog fur or hot water!

Friday, August 06, 2010

August is flying by....

The garden never lies, and out there in our flower beds, the look of Fall has begun.
I picked a basketful of italian tomatoes from the straw bale patch today and cooked them down to make a veggie lentil soup. Wonderful stuff, full of garlic...oops Jim will be home late tonight...what was I thinkin'? He hee.

It's almost Herb Fest time, in two more weeks, and the group who shared a booth last
year are going for it again. Everything is supposed to slant towards a garden theme.

I've been busy painting up little birdhouses. Not sure if I'll do cards this year or not. Here's a sample of what has been done so far. Three dollars each is what I had in mind for these. Josh made hummingbird cinnamon ornies to hang in cars last year, and plans to make them a few days before the event to keep the scent strong.
He sold them all. You never know what he's making in his little craft corner in his bedroom. It's like the Keebler cookie factory in there!

Josh and Jen had a supper date at Bob Evans in the next town East, a nice mid-way point to meet. Jen's parents brought her, so it was nice to meet them, and we all took pics of our 'special couple' and swapped phone numbers.

School registration is next week. Classes begin again the following week. Summer took flight and Autumn is waiting in the wings to take over.
Wishing you all well, and hope you enjoy these starry nights, lit by fireflies and the restful, sleepy sound of voices in the dark.


Mevely317 said...

I'm "head over teakettle" with your little birdhouses ... are you selling them via Etsy?
No, I've no garden or plans to foster any birdies - I just love the way they look! :)
Have a great weekend!

BTW, my DH and I both love garlic - lucky, eh? We're having pizza tonight, on account our fur-daughter can't have wings.

ClassyChassy said...

Your birdie houses are very cute! Bet that was fun decorating them! I made signs to put on the chicken house, to decorate it up for the fair and I had a blast! I like fun and simple crafty things to do!!!

Amrita said...

:ove your pretty bird houses CDM

LADY JANE said...

So...YOU know I MISS you too! Life is sobusy...but a ug and hello my dear friend!

LADY JANE said...

UHHHHHHHHHH?????? You know I uhhhhhed or ugggggggged when I meant to HUG! And do you like my new word sobusy???? Guess if I had time for a little space...I would just be so busy! Love ya!

Chatty Crone said...

I love those bird house - for $3 dollars is a deal. Do well!

Hope Josh does good at selling too - that is so sweet - the picture of him and his girlfriend.

School has started for us last Thursday.

You said fall is starting - it it getting cooler.

ocmist said...

Those are such cute birdhouses! A man we know has put up little birdhouses around the house by the sides and they have little security cameras in them. No one even notices the cameras in the dark "hole" of the birdhouse!

What is an "orny - ie?"... Good luck on the sale!

School starts here next week too, which is about 2 weeks earlier than usual around here. Summer has just FLOWN by!

Y'all come back now...

Y'all come back now...

Everyone is special, and counts!