Now, that I'm way on the wrong side of sixty, I feel that being true to self is important. "I yam, what I yam." Kindness and smiles are to be given away. Women are strong. Men are more vulnerable than we believe. Husbands may come and go...but one thing I know for sure is that I will NEVAH live without a corgi or coffee in my life if I can prevent it. Come piles of dog fur or hot water!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me; I want people to know 'why' I look this way. I've traveled a long way, and some of the roads weren't paved. ~Will Rogers
Love the Will Rogers quote! That about sums it up, doesn't it.
I always enjoy reading your blog, even though I don't often comment.
You have such a great "header" and we long to travel with our 2 dogs, as well.
Have a quiet and peaceful day. Get some more dog hair on your couch. We will!!!
I love that quote too - never thought about the 'why I look like I do" - lol. And thanks for the St. Paddy's day blessing. And to you too.
Love Will Rogers and I agree I earned every wrinkle and every blimish and I want folks to know why I look this way.
Dang, have you been peeking in my mirror?
(I'm to the point I figure a sharpei has less wrinkles!)
Need to have that quote tattooed somewhere :)
Hey Corgidogmama!
Great quote! This getting old and gray thing is scaring me! Yikes!!!
Have a Great Day!
Wow I love this quote!!I have already added it to my "Todays Quote" on my sidebar!!Have a great day friend,Cat
Lovely quote - enjoyed reading/thinking about it!!!
Someone suggested to me not too long ago that I should color my hair. I said, "Why?"
WHAT???? How did I miss this one? Way to cute girlfriend!
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