Sad, isn't it when the four day Thanksgiving holiday comes to an end. I collected all the fall foliage decor, bittersweet and anything orange today inside and out. Bagging up autumn for another year...
Our company will leave when we do in the morning as we head back to work. No one felt like turkey yesterday, and there is still an amazing amount left. Making me think that more should have been sent home with Josh and Jim's mom. "Three day rule" in our household made me pitch pies and dressing. Tomorrow the rest will go.
We, as a family, and, as a nation have much to be thankful for. More so than in other countries I believe. Things aren't perfect...and lots needs fixing. An entire new congress would be a real gift to us all, but one we won't get. But, overall, most of us, are lucky ducks. For that, I am thankful.
I am not going to be feeling thankful on Monday night when I have the guts and an empty house to enable me to step on the scale following an orgy of gluttony over the weekend.
That's all I'm saying....
Isn't it funny that we take days putting out Fall decorations and then take them down every year. Then we bring out all of the Christmas and put it out for a month or so. But we still do it every holiday.
We had ham at the mother in laws house and I made a pork roast for dinner for my family. Tomorrow I'm going to make turkey! lol My 7 yr old son wanted a real turkey for Thanksgiving so I bought one for him and I'll cook it tomorrow but not with as many sides! It is sad how we end up throwing away food because it doesn't last that long even in a refrigerator! We ate all of our leftovers yesterday.
It is always hard to say goodbye to family and friends once the holiday is over. I guess that includes decorations as well!
Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving.
And I am so afraid of the scale tomorrow morning!
I'm not quite ready to move on from the autumn. It's been in the 60's here and that makes it more difficult for me, although I love not wearing boots and a scarf.
I'm with on Congress and would start with my congressman. I don't do politics in Blogland, but I am with you on this.
YUP. I got on the scales and yelped. I went to the Y on Sunday and again, last night. Damn hips kill me though. Time to pitch out the leftover pie.
"Buh-bye, Pie!"
xo, Cheryl
p.s., Thanks for the "Dino comments!"
You threw out PIE?! That has never, ever happened at my house. I've thrown out the last of the stuffing or green bean casserole, but never something as precious as pie. I made three pumpkin pies and an apple pie for Thanksgiving and it all went within the three-day limit.
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