We have a covered bridge in town that looks amazingly like this; at least it does in my retro little head.
I was born in '51, was a teen toward the end of the sixties, was a mama of two from the mid-seventies through the mid-nineties. I was set free, cut adrift from the secure anchoring job of mama hood on to the sea of finding self hood by 1996.
I had no one to nurture for the first time in decades. It was scary, lonely, freeing, liberating and manic all at the same time. I sold our family home and moved to a new small town similar to the town I was a child in and began again.
I was perky, zany and bold and walked for three hours a day. Following a painful, grueling divorce in '82, and hiding under a rock and behind my children for fifteen years...it was fun to unfurl, and open up facing the sun again.
I need to experience that feeling again. The fearlessness.
Anybody know what I mean?
Oh yeah! I experienced the empty nest syndrome and divorce all at once in 1982. It was a gut-wrenching experience that I barely survived. But, Wow! I have achieved so much on my own that I never could have dreamed of back then. It was worth the journey.
I have never lived in a time period where I had no one here - yet I have experienced the empty nest. Do you understand? Lol sandie
Good grief - you have me a little concerned....is everything okay at your place? I understand the need for something new - but not a whole new life, certainly. A new hobby, a new job, or a volunteer job doing something totally different and outrageous might bring some excitement into your life. Are you going to adopt an infant, or just get a new Corgi?? Love ya!
I say get a new corgi! They sure do bring a lot of fun into ones life. I know Jazz is a very hilarious corgi herself. Every day is a new adventure with her! lol
Oh, boy do I know about this! My feeling is kick up your physical activity and you'll have more energy and zest and zeal! I'm working on it right now, myself!
xo, Cheryl
I echo that thought. Put on your woolies, leashes on the Kids and walk. Go out in the evening and look at all the pretty lights.
I do. I'm looking at retirement next year from the job I've had for eighteen years and I'm excited and scared. Not sure I was ever fearless, but I moved to four different states in eight years and did just fine. Need to get some of that fearlessness back and shake off a lot of barnacles.
Lots of good advice everyone is giving you! I agree, how about a new pup? And walks and fresh air help too. Although, the weather is pretty nasty for a walk here today with all the rain. Even better, a trip to where its warm and sunny! I hope everything is OK! You take care... Hugs to you!
Here the thing,...I dont know what this feels like...I'm not going to pretend to understand what you must be going through and what you need...but I do know one thing for sure...Your words,perhaps without knowing it,are so fierce and strong,that you have already passed through the night to get to the dawn and you are ready...ready for what? well look at it this way...you have a tree full of delicious apples to choose from,you can pick one,savor it,then move on to the next.Who says you can only pick one...Not me.
Its good to hear from you my friend,I have missed you so and I am thankful to witness this new journey in your life.Hugs,Cat
I often wonder if i moved somewhere that nobody knew me would I be the same person or someone completely different. I like the saying from Ty Murray the bull rider "You are never completely ready...sometimes it is just your turn". I'm thinking it is your turn now...go for it.
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