Hello..we arrived last night to the music city of Branson, and are in an Escapee RV Campground. Very cheap for members, with cable and a nice clean laundry on site. Not that we'll be using either while we're here as we are going to some shows, and site-seeing. The Ozarks are lovely, and full of color. Not the bright stuff that we get in Indiana, but close. The rounded mountains, with lakes, creeks and rivers are just gorgeous. We visited the historic "Old Branson" this morning, and had a ball at Dick's Oldtime 5 & 10, after eating breakfast at a local diner, Clocker's. I like the old downtown more that the strip area where all the shows are, but, the strip is a necessary part of Branson. The merchants and theatre folks are all very accommodating, and everyone is called sir and mam. I know, it's a southern thing. We're spittin' distance from Arkansas here.

Today, there was a downpour, with bean sized hail, quite unexpected. We were going to ride the ducks, but with the weather being what it was, decided to wait for tomorrow or Sunday. They tour all through Branson, and end up going into the water either at Table Rock Lake, or the River.

We'll be here until Monday morning, then we'll head to Springfield, Missouri where the original flagship store for Bass Pro Shop is. It's like a museum, amusement park, and cultural center, full of shopping, all rolled into one complex. Jim says we have to experience it! Then on to Fantastic Caverns before going home. We should be Missouried out by then!
Update: The Comets show was out of this world. The joint was jumpin'! These guys; the bass player, 74; the sax player,75; and the drummer, 84; are still at it, and doing a fantastic job. We were blown away by their showmanship, and cool jive attitudes!
Riding the Ducks was a whole lot of fun, informative, and exhilarating as we went down the landing into the Table Rock Lake at what seemed to be a high speed. Talk about a big splash! We went up a mountain, saw the view looking down on the 76 mile lake, and the sun made all the autumn color shine. Captain Dan, the driver/pilot of the amphibious vehicle, was from Ft. Wayne, so we had fun with him catching up on Hoosier news. The Andy Williams show had spectacular lighting, singers, dancers, and the 2,300 seat theatre was beautiful. Andy, looks like a little gnome, and shuffles his feet across the stage. His manner is appealing, but his singing, to be quite honest, should have stopped at age 75. He'll be 81 on Dec. 3rd. The show was good, but only, because his support system, all around him, is so good. That wasn't nice, but it's true.