We've gone the past two weeks, and I'm telling ya'....if you haven't gone, get! Mark your calendars, post a memo, put a sticky on your steering wheel...just remember to go and get your seven ounces of espresso laced with whipped cream and chocolate/caramel swirl. Yeah, yeah....it's heavy in calories....but once a week, it's a sinful piece of heaven! We're hooked. We wish that they'd come out with a cheaper, seven ounce size, like the sample. We think that it's "just" enough. Hint, hint...that's a suggestion McD's corporation, if you're reading this!
Sounds like a great idea - now, if they make a McMini mocha priced mini, it might catch on!
I wish it was hot chocolate! I don't drink coffee.
Hmm, most check to see if they have this at our McD's. I don't think once a week will hurt anyone. and no more than 7 ozs.
Thanks for letting us know about it.
Sounds delicious!
Oh sure! And I find out on Thursday! Your dear MIL MUST be a wise gal...as it does not sound like ANY of her resolutions for te New Year are regarding diet,exercise,food to be consumed by bunnies..ir an excersise ball (unless to entertain thy doggies)!
And where is our...oppppppppsssss...YOUR dear Jimmy driving in this ARTIC BLAST! But on your Pink hat Sista...ya know the one we look totally silly..like what were you thinking silly...like we came over on the boat silly...and stay WARM...us sistas in the Midwest are gettin' hit BIG TIME!
Gosh, they don't have that free offer here! No wonder you and your MIL are going each week -- it sounds delicious.
But do you have to buy a burger to get your free coffee? That would be a deal-breaker for me. I like Classy's suggestion for a McMini Mocha--clever.
I actually love McDonald's coffee, but I haven't seen any free samples around here....I think I should go next Wednesday just to be sure!!!
Well Missy...lol...almost snowed in here...so craving a McDonalds mocha (gee thanks)...so since you know so much about McDonalds...AND since you've got connections with their Corporate office...ask them if they deliver! Heck...I'll pay for a FREE mocha if they do!
And since you are so great at getting the word out...could you let folks know...
FREE SNOWCONES at my house..just bring yourself a shovel to dig yourself out a spot to park!
Oh...I see you have dislocated...disarmed...discon-bob-ulated,,,and shut off your wod verification thingy...grin? Now please tell me do I have mine on? I am sure with the big rant I placed over at dear Hollys that my happy little self is in BIG trouble...so help me please....let me know.
Please verify by sounding out this word to read this comment....
We don't have drive throughs in New York. :(
That's what you were talkig about. We're snowed in - but tomorrow I'll try one. sandie
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