Each year we mark the calendar to commemorate the first snow of the season. Yesterday was the day. Yikers....totally unexpected! It was enough to cover rooftops and the ground in a matter of minutes. Luckily, it didn't take long to melt, but it entertained the dogs, and a few stunned humans in the household. I covered the roses, thinking that Mother Nature was sending a kick in butt reminder to do so.
Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.
Thanks to Penniwig for this timely jpg offering today!
Hey Corgidogmama!
Sounds like you got the snow that they said we were going to get yesterday and this morning. No show where I live but there were other areas in West Virginia that got lots of it! It just seems way too soon to get snow!
Have a Great Day!
snow?! good grief! I hope it's not a sign of the kind of winter that's to come!
Keep it there, please! We had sleet.
No snow here in Alberta yet. Very rare indeed! November is actually fall instead of winter this year.
You lucky ducks!
... and Corgi's, too!
Well we finally got a little chilly weather down here. Can't wait for it to really get hot choclate and fireplace weather.
Snuggle up to the fire for
Hi Corgidogmama,
Sounds like it is cold there too - well it is here in GA too. Didn't get any snow, but yesterday we got a little hail I guess you'd say.
So the doggies liked it.
Well, the first of many - right?
Seems we usually have it by Halloween! Does this mean everything is late; including Spring?
No snow in St Paul yet but it won't be long. Thanks for your suggestions on getting rid of the books! (Don't you miss Penniwig and all the graphics she gave us?)
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