Emmy Lulu had a nice surprise the other day. Those of you who are regulars know that in Chapel Hill my grand baby resides, and she'll be four in early February. She found out that she'll be a big sister in May. Lord willin' and the creek don't rise that is. My own baby-girl isn't so lucky at pregnancy. She's had her share of heartbreak. Too many times. We are all cautiously hopeful.
She's three months now. Em told her parents that she wanted a girl...no boys! Frankly, she'll be thrilled to have a baby in the house as she loves dolls.

Jim's brother from Texas, and his sis from Colorado will be visiting the first weekend in December. His cousin will join us from North Carolina on turkey day as will my MIL. Son Josh and his dad will fly down to NC to be with my daughter and family T-day. The second weekend in December, I fly with cookie cutters and apron packed in my carry on to bake cookies with April and Emmy over a long weekend.
Lots to do in the next few weeks. Why does it seem that November and December are always in fast forward mode?
Hey Corgidogmama!
Congratulations on the news of the new arrival! I'll say some prayers for the baby.
Sounds like you are going to have a house full for Thanksgiving! It will probably be just us again this year. I'll cook regardless! lol I can't believe the kids have one more week of school before they have their Thanksgiving Break. I can't wait!
Have a Great Day!
Your Emmy just gets cuter n' cuter with each post ... won't it be a thrill to see her holding that new little sister?! (Think PINK!)
Fast-forward? You said it, girlfriend! Doesn't seem fair, huh? I'm supposed to be getting ready to leave tomorrow to visit son and his family in Alabama ... but can't pull my fingers off the computer!
Deeeeeep, calming breaths, all together now :)
I am with you Susan - there are some months that takes forever to get through and some that you just need one more day.
Your Em is adorable - beautiful.
You are really going to be busy during the olidays - remember to breathe and enjoy!
Congrats on the new baby and I pray all goes well for mom and baby. Emmy is a doll baby and so cute. Deep cleaning here next week too. Family from Louisville coming and lots of others here. You are so crazy about Emmy and a great grandma for sure. I can't wait for Feb and my first one! I just told Bill at dinner how the time is flying by. He said, "Is that because you're older?" Men!!!
You have a point. October was what? like a week? Yes, it flies by do fast!
Time sure flies by! Congrats on the new one - hope the pregnancy is a safe one. Love that pic of Emmy - she's not camera shy, is she?? We usually have Thanksgiving here with the boys and their kids, but they're coming a week early for their cousin's wedding. Bob has taken Thanksgiving week off for vacation, and I have to WORK! bummer,,,,,but, it's a job. and only 5 hours every day, so I'll just have to suck it up and deal with it...
Emmy Lulu is a cutie! And so her brother/sister will be also. If you need tables, you know who to call!! Sure hope you have a good time.
Lots of prayers for Emmy's Mom and little sister.
Not sure how, but as always the month is flying by. How can Thanksgiving be less than two weeks away? I went to Michael's last night to get card materials and something cute for the table and they were sold out! Thanksgiving really snuck up on me.
Take good care of yourself!
Hopeful congrats on being a Granny again.
I have always wondered why these two months fly so fast. Enjoy your time with your family Thanksgiving and remember to bake a few extra cookies in Dec..lol..my address is...lol...
Hope you have a great week and hope the next 2 mos are filled with joy and happiness.
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