A sparrow enters the tree
Whereon immediately
A snow-lump thrice his own slight size
Descends on him
And showers his head and eyes.
–Thomas Hardy
That's exactly what's happening in our neck of the woods. Flurries off and on all day, but tonight, it's getting serious. Flakes, are the size of fifty cent pieces, no kidding! Plunk, right on top of a bird would have some impact I think. Plunk, right in our eye, has impact too! Surely...Winter will wane soon...won't it?
Do you like using herbs and spices when you cook? I try to cut salt intake way down, by using freshly ground pepper, garlic cloves, fennel seeds, rosemary, cumin, chives, parsley, liberally in most dishes. Tonight, I'm roasting carrots, sweet potato slivers, onion, green pepper, zucchini, and mushroom chunks. Tossed in a little olive oil, and some of the seasonings mentioned, at 425. The smell is tantalizing...and even the corgi kids are lurking by the oven.
I often do this while Jim is gone through the week. I'm not the carnivore that he is, although the corgettes are.
We went to Outback on Sunday for a belated Valentine's supper. He gave me a couple yellow roses, and a Skor bar too. He's a good egg, but slightly cracked.
Thank God!