Don't you despise tossing and turning?
Don't you hate it when your body is tired but your mind is up and at 'em? One second my brain is thinking about my pending yard sale, how to price items, what about the set up, blah, blah, blah.
Then it goes to a grocery list, or chores to be done. Then it touches on things that my gray matter doesn't like to think about...like how my husband and I don't treat each other kindly sometimes; or that my Mama is 92 and time is marching on for all of us. Drinking too much iced tea causes problems at bedtime. Finished James Patterson's newest book, "Swimsuit" just before midnight. Gory. Like his romantic novels better.
My kids are 35 and 33 and thoughts turn to them, and their lives. My daughter drives too fast, my son who is MR, is an easy target.
They're grown and on their own, but a mama worries...even at 12:30a.m. My mama still worries about her kids, and we're all pushing 60. Sheesh...such thoughts.
Is it the tea, or being menopausal, or is it a woman thing? I just want to cuss, y'know? But, what good will that do? Life is full of pain, and blessings. It's a combo that McDonald's doesn't offer. Life is up and down. Maturity is more than getting wrinkles and bucking up under pressure. Whining doesn't solve a thing, but helps in a weird way if you can catch a friendly ear. Coffee, good books, good friends, a loving family, and a finding purpose makes life worth living. But...without a few of those things in your life, things go off kilter. Many would say that God is the answer to all things. Some don't go that route. Right now, all I want is the shortcut to the land of Nod...y'know where the sandman lives.
Maybe I'll go run the sweeper, or do laundry. That'll show 'em...all those no good sleepers in this household.
Phooey, I'm still here, and wide awake....anybody up?