Have you ever looked up the word "family" in the dictionary? It says 1.) a man, woman, and their offspring; 2.) a group of people linked by ancestry/blood line; 3.)
a group of like things.
So, family is you and yours...you and your pets or dear friends or roommate, or you and your bloggie gang.
I spend more time talking...commenting back and forth with my blog sista's than with my own children. Granted, they are in their mid-thirties, and are not feeling the lack of their mama in any way, believe me...but, still...that's interesting, in the big picture of things.
I seldom share thoughts with my spouse. That's probably a mistake overall, but, true.
I don't tell my kids my worries or woes...but the corgi kids hear all about it, and so do some of my blog sista's.
We all need someone to rant to, in a safe environment. I have found that our men cannot handle the truth that sometimes spills out at stressful times. I have been conditioned to keep a lot in. It's not worth all the upheaval, and making somebody else feel lousy. But sista's, of a like mind, understand, and listen, and don't judge. They give you their opinion back, and share some of their background and experiences.
It's a safe place, this sisterhood thing.
We're from all over the place. We all share thoughts and emotion when the mood arises, or is needed. Comments, emails flow back and forth in between households.
Women find ways to function, and methods to express things that bubble inside us. We don't need to knock the blocks off the men we live with. They are able to remain in their little obtuse bubble, not realizing the wrath and dismay that simmers in their woman. Life is secure. The sista's cover each other. Airings alleviate the pressure.
Family comes in many forms. Girls....we, my dears....are family!
Thank you for that.